Current (Fiscal Years 2022-2023)

In March 2020, the Budget Division began working with state agencies to prepare the FY2022-FY2023 agency request budgets, which are required to be submitted by September 1, 2020. Budget development resources will include deadline notifications, training, instructions, manuals and more.

Prior Biennia (Archive)

Budgets from prior biennia include the Governor’s Executive Budget and the Legislatively Approved Budget. Detailed electronic access to budget information is provided via the Nevada Open Government website.

Priorities & Performance Based Budget

Priorities and Performance Based Budgeting (PPBB) is the process of identifying and prioritizing the Governor’s vision as it relates to the state’s core functions, their costs and delivering effective and efficient outcomes. This includes improved transparency to decision makers and the public; improved methods of measuring what the state does and whether agencies are making a difference; linking activities of government to achievement of objectives; and providing a platform for improvement in funding and budgeting decisions. The goal is to answer the question, “Why is our state spending money the way it is?”

    PPBB Instructions (Fiscal Years 2014-2015)

    Core Functions, Objectives & Benchmarks

    PPBB Forms (Fiscal Years 2014-2015)

    Report to Taxpayers

    Per Nevada Revised Statute 353.333 on or before January 1 of each year a Nevada Report to Taxpayers is compiled to provide a description on the status of the finances of the State including local governments.

    Related Budgeting Links

    Access budget-related items including those from the Legislative Counsel Bureau (LCB) and the Controller’s Office. Also includes single point of contact (SPOC) links for the Nevada State Clearinghouse and the Office of Grant Procurement, Coordination, and Management.